Saturday, June 14, 2008


OCTOBER 6, 1942 - JUNE 14, 2007

Thanks for everything, Mom. I love and miss you so much. God bless you.


One of Mom's Favorite Songs


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Solution To Our Energy Needs

A Quiet Moment For Jenna

Jenna lost in thought. Is she contemplating the complexities and relative benefits of the capture of shale oil, or tedious fibrous degeneration as it relates to cellulose particles needed to create ethanol from farm waste, or her total number of first cousins and their respective mean ages, or why isn't breakfast ready?

School Pictures

Brent and Sarah

Sarah's Choir

Sarah's Basketball Team

The kids had a great year in school. Sarah excelled in advanced math and science and she discovered a new joy in writing. She did well in choir as well. She was the only member to receive a non-audition invitation to an audition only singing group from the junior high instructor. In addition to choir, Sarah again played basketball. She has been the starting post for the past two seasons. It must be the Belnap and non-dormant Barrus genes(the ones I don't have). Sarah was on the safety patrol and was one of the rotating captains. Sarah also got straight A's and a President's Medal for very high GPA and national test scores during the last 3+ years.

Brent did well too. He was in a combined class with 3rd graders. The 2nd graders in the class were the most advanced in the school and they did essentially 3rd grade work all year. It took all year, but we think Brent finally learned to buckle down and do his work instead of being the class clown. Despite his clownin', he has always done well. This last quarter he missed getting straight A's by just four-tenths of a point in Reading. Next year the grades actually start counting on his record so he's on the right track.

This Fall, Jenna's life of freedom ends as she starts Kindergarten. This ought to be fun since she has a stubborn streak a mile wide. Wonder where she got that.

(Sorry if this sounded braggy and fawning. I hate that, but how else do you give details about your kids. I guess, "they did ok" is the way to go.

Jenna and Grandpa

Jenna and Grandpa had fun reading and playing while everyone was fixing dinner. It was great watching them interact. This was on the Sunday after Brent's Baptism.

Brent's Baptism April 12, 2008

It was a great day for Brent. He was so excited to get baptized. He had several friends and all his local family members there. He wants to thank everyone who came, especially the long drive Grandpa and Grandma Belnap made. We had yummy cake and ice cream afterwards. Brent and I just wish the water hadn't been freezing. What happened to the warm water? In America, we don't baptize in icy depeths anymore! At least he'll have an experience to share for years to come. Although the experience made a liar out of me. I had repeatedly told him how warm the water would be so he wouldn't worry. Oh well.

Halloween 2007

Yes, these pictures are old, but who cares! Brent was armed to the teeth and Jenna is shown without her fangs. We also went to more homes than we ever have before. They both scored more candy than they could possibly eat so we donated some to Mary's work. It pays to find wealthy homes where few kids go and stay out late. People were pouring full bowls of candy in their bags! Oh to be young again.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Melvin and Beth Barrus Family Reunion May 23 - 26, 2008

Melvin and Beth Barrus Family

Brent Sr. Exhibiting His Best Qualities At The Reunion

Mary the Chipmunk

Rebecca Redick, Megan Reese and Sarah

Megan Reese, Sarah and Brent

Barrus family, it was great seeing each of you. We had a wonderful time and we look forward to next year. Belnap family, we look forward to seeing you all in July. Take care. We love you all!

P.S. Thanks to Diane and Ulises for all the planning, fun and the great pictures!