Sunday, October 19, 2008
And thus we see the end of them who perverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell.
- Alma 30:60
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Brent And Jenna Have Passed Away
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm sorry, but this is supposed to be a blog and I can only "yell at the television" for so many years. If I offend anyone, so be it. I guess, you can't take politics out of the political scientist. Now with Mary's angst level at redline, let me begin.
Watch and see if you recognize any of these weasel's from above call for the Bailout. I can think of a few. They caused the problem and now they want the taxpayers to pay for it. They can't be allowed to speak out of both sides of their mouths. Before you say "All politicians do that!" Stop. First, like all universal statements that is far from the truth. And second, those that try can only do it IF WE LET THEM!
The above videos portray one issue and condemn one side of "the Aisle." Though true, the party on the right is to blame for many other problems. Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, if you are corrupt, inept or have been there too long, you have got to go. We can't continue to allow them to get away with their actions. If you don't like the way things are, do something about it. Hold your senators and representative's feet to the fire. We can't let others worry about it or do it for us. WE MUST!
To quote the Declaration of Independence, "...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
It brings a tear to the eye with its purity of speech and depth of truth. The design of our government is brilliant and inspired and does not need to be reinvented. However, it has one flaw: Officials, elected or otherwise, MUST HAVE INTEGRITY. Like the Temple in Jerusalem during Christ's time, Washington D.C. is filled with corruption and its own version of monerchangers, i.e. lobbyists and special interests. Until we, like Christ clearing the Temple, clean house in Washington and rid ourselves of lobbyists and corrupt leaders, the problems we face will never change no matter who is elected as President.
To me the choice of President is clear, albeit somewhat pained since neither side has promoted a truly, worthy candidate. Yet regardless who wins, we need remember a President does not enact laws or budgets. He merely suggests and signs both for a variety of reasons. But I digress, the Executive Branch is largely devoid of the issues I've discussed. It has its own, but they are in other areas.
So on this night of the First Presidential Debate, let's not forget that for whomever we vote it will not change or end most of these problems. The brokering and decisions that destroy us each and every day take place in the Capitol, Congressional Office Buildings, and other shady venues. It is up to us to stop this both in our local races and our state elections. But this is merely the beginning. WE must help influence the future decisions with our voices long after this election day.
That being finished, you may hurl your tomatoes the next time you see me, but it won't guarantee against another diatribe. Now does anyone have a Valium or a Xanax? Mary is REALLY stressed out by this.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
SEPT. 1, 1966 - SEPT. 9, 2008
It's been three years and yet it seems both longer and shorter depending on the day. In truth I haven't fully dealt with your passing. Just when I think nothing will bother me, I remember a song, joke, word game, commercial, etc., we created or changed for laughs. A rush of emotions and thoughts come back about things which only we were aware. Most I'd forgotten and didn't even realize that I cherished them so much. Now the fun is gone and my memories are hollow and cold. I think I know how a flightless eagle feels.
I love you, Carolyn. Miss ya.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Day of the Dead
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Jenna's Fifth Birthday
Just got it.
"I'm Five" Jenna says.
Jenna's First Day of School
"Hi, can I go to school now?"
"I'm so stylish in my new clothes."
"Its hot, when is the bus coming?"
"Are you sure he's coming? It's really hot!"
"I'm going to stay in the shade until he gets here."
"Alright, he is finally here!"
"I'm leaving. Are you still watching? Ok, just checking."
"There goes our baby!"
Pictures and Videos of the Boise Fire
Aerial view of The Burn. We are roughly down the hill a bit from the yellow arrow in the upper left of the pic. But for the grace of God we could have been burned out. Had the wind turned south instead of continuing southeastenly, our subdivision would've been gone. We were blessed, but unfortunately several members of our ward and their neighbors lost everything. And worst of all, a beloved member of the BSU Faculty passed away in the firestorm.
The remains of two homes from our ward. The daughter from the home on the far right is in my (Brent's) Sunday School class.
This horse is owned by the father of Sarah's best friend. The horse and its twin are actually heroes since they ate a lot of grass and brush at the base of the hill. Two homes (the first counselor's and another retired couple) would have been destroyed had there been more fuel to burn. Unfortunately, their pens, trailer, equipment and $700 worth of fresh hay were destroyed.
Fire officials estimate that it took less than two minutes from the time the fire started until the first homes were engulfed. It covered more than a quarter mile in that time. Apparently, it was started by burning metal that fell from a transformer during the 50+ mph winds. A fallen branch may have been at fault too.
Just one side of Sweetwater Dr. Both sides were hit.
The picture says everything. This home housed a member family of seven.
We are extremely grateful to our Father in Heaven for his many blessings. Our hearts go out to the husband and family of Mary Ellen Ryder and our prayers are with them. Though there was a life lost in this tragedy, there could have been many more. We are very grateful for the quick response and heroics of all the fire crews in the area. Without their efforts, many, many, more homes would have been destroyed. We are also grateful for the dilligence of the B.P.D. in clearing the streets and subdivisons and the willingness of the citizens to promptly and calmly evacuate the scene. The swiftness and unexpected nature of this devastation is still shocking. It is yet another reminder for each of us to prepare our best for an emergency and also to live our lives to the fullest and take every opportunity to spend time with our loved ones.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
More Haikus
Many hours gently rocked
Now a babe no more
Blame, an easy thing
Imperfections all around us
Focus on yourself
The peregrines cry
In cityscapes or rocky crags
White blurs on the wing
Gruesome nemesis
Hair and fangs and legs of eight
Things I should not loathe
Barack or McCain
Are these two the best we have?
Stupid all are we
Brett Favre love or no?
Does he rest or run and play
What a foolish mess
Silent Monuments
Ruth Gehrig Mantle Jackson
Hallowed sacred ground
Shaggy motley goofs
Evil Red Sox find success
Sold souls to Devil
Leather, fresh mown grass
Peanuts hot dogs crackerjack
Heaven's afternoon
Titanic showdown
The pitch, a colossal swing
Sunday, August 3, 2008
P.S. Dan, three of the haikus are just for you. Can you guess which ones?
The Plan
Before the world started,
And the first child departed,
Father gathered us to plan a great work.
Though in us He was proud,
One stood out in the crowd,
But so did an arrogant young turk.
Jehovah and Lucifer were their names,
Separate futures would they frame,
They both began as honorable sons.
While the first remained true,
The second’s pride grew,
So would it be the proud or the One?
Two paths were presented,
To each some resented,
In the first, the One was the Savior of man.
The second's would save all the kids,
But God’s glory be his,
Of this notion most were simply not fans.
There were shouts from the dismayed,
And counter opinions conveyed,
Soon many had grown quite depressed.
Battle lines were then drawn,
On both sides captains and pawns,
The situation was on the edge of unrest.
But Father’s decision was clear,
Which direction he would steer,
The second’s plan was to be ditched.
The One’s plan was a go,
Yet no conceit did he show,
Oh what a fit the loser soon pitched.
A third of all he had wowed,
And then the Devil he vowed,
It was time to break up this great clan.
Power through war he soon sought,
Yet it would all be for naught,
Satan and his troops lost so they ran.
God’s forces won true,
So His plan would ensue,
Jehovah would still be the Chosen.
So a world was created,
With no details abated,
The work was far beyond golden.
Now agency was granted,
To those who had wanted,
To move on to the next stage in life.
Our bodies were earned,
But their control must be learned,
Or our lives with mistakes would be rife.
Our Father’s intuition,
Knew we would not always listen,
So prophets give us words we can reference.
The more that we try,
To choose well till we die,
Decides if we are forgiven through repentance.
Life’s good and the bad,
May be easily had,
By both the learned and those in ignorance.
So listen to me,
And clearly you'll see,
Its right choices that make all the difference.
Whether or not we are good,
Or do as we should,
Determines where we go in the hereafter.
For many a rake,
Will tremble and quake,
At the judgment seat of the Master.
For the evidence shows,
He took the stings and the blows,
And bore for us all the pain.
If we do all He has asked,
And finish our tasks,
Upon us will His glory reign.
The Boy and the Lady
There once was a fabulous Beauty,
Whose husband had a choice of two cuties,
And though young may have had a chance of another.
Instead he devoted his life,
To his small crazy wife,
To some they wondered, “Why bother?”
This Beauty so fair,
She lived life without care,
Nearly drove her poor husband to drink.
But despite his frustration,
He resisted temptation,
And kept his small family in the pink.
What comes next for them “Who knows?”
As long as life’s woes,
Aren’t poured out more than they can handle.
For their relationship grows,
With the highs and the lows,
Until no ones love can hold a candle.
Now this silly young lad,
Is a nigh broken-down cad
But with years he is starting to mellow.
With his wife at his side,
His heart swells with pride,
He thinks he is one fine lucky fellow.
Sol’s sweltering rays
Distant shimmering heat waves
Baked clay sand and earth
Summer hurricanes
Cyclonic majestic death
The sea’s bitter breath
Twenty foot rollers
Crest and trough, swell then cresting
Breakers crash ashore
Scintillating lips
Flaxen hair and eyes of blue
Giantess of spirit
Black inky darkness
Twinkling fiery stars
Pinholes in God’s quilt
Silence grips the mesa
A coyote cries in the dark
Lonesome on the butte
Muscles bunch and flex
Striding bands orange and black
Ghostly fangs in brush
Fresh morning prisms
Glittering grassy jewels
Nature’s diamonds
Lightning rips the sky
Storms traverse prairie fields
Winds howl hauntingly
A hook line and pole
The fish and water await
Time ebbs ever slower
Gentle warm currents
Glider whips past snowy peak
Graceful silver swan
On emerald lawns
Under the bright harvest moon
Dancing fairies sing
Ice freshly broken
Waves crash unceasingly
Crab pots yield red gold
Trees fall, timbers cut
A hand is lost, legs mangled
Forests replanted
Crackling rivers
Cold white-knuckles, clenching teeth
Miners need supplies
City deluged
Shadowy figures patrol
Spectres of the night
Glorious haiku
The written word yet not prose
Speaks love from his heart
A thrush warbling
Robins gently tap the ground
Sparrows hop and peck
Dew-speckled flowers
Sparkle in the early sun
Bees gently buzzing
The morning mist lifts
A loon cries out in the gloom
The lake dawns anew
The sun slips slowly
Past horizon’s boundaries
Night again draws breath
Silver-flecked sky
The jet planes thunder and shake
Dream unattained
The old man watches
Children cheerfully playing
Tears stain Grandpa’s cheek
Two hearts forever
Bound by rings and promises
Together in love
A boy shy but true,
Loved a pretty young sweetie
Saved him from himself
The peaceful night air
Awoke with rockets red glare
It’s the Fourth again!
The cry of a lark
A brook babbling away
Music to my ears
Stars twinkle and wink
Give evidence of siblings
Worlds we’ll never know
The laugh of a child
The wings of a butterfly
God’s hand in all things
More poems will come
When I am rested, for now
You will have to wait
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Mary's Disney Ego
You Are Esmerelda!
Mysterious and passionate. You are a survivor. Even though life has swung you some difficult situations you have a strong intuition that gets you through. Also, you have the capacity to sympathize and relate to a variety of different people.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Sarah's Inner "Princess"
You Are Ariel!
Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Our Little Malcolm X, err Vulcan, err crazed billionaire, err wizard
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph