Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More Haikus

Darling baby girl
Many hours gently rocked
Now a babe no more

Blame, an easy thing
Imperfections all around us
Focus on yourself

The peregrines cry
In cityscapes or rocky crags
White blurs on the wing

Gruesome nemesis
Hair and fangs and legs of eight
Things I should not loathe

Barack or McCain
Are these two the best we have?
Stupid all are we

Brett Favre love or no?
Does he rest or run and play
What a foolish mess

Silent Monuments
Ruth Gehrig Mantle Jackson
Hallowed sacred ground

Shaggy motley goofs
Evil Red Sox find success
Sold souls to Devil

Leather, fresh mown grass
Peanuts hot dogs crackerjack
Heaven's afternoon

Titanic showdown
The pitch, a colossal swing