Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jenna's First Day of School

She was so excited for her first day and she loves that she gets to go to Kindergarten this year. Her teacher is the daughter of a couple from our last ward (the one we were in for twelve years). She is a very nice lady and Jenna loves her. She has a little black and white bunny in class and Jenna is barely intelligible with glee when she talks about it. She got to wash him today and fed him a carrot yesterday. He has little clothes the children put on him. What fun!

"Hi, can I go to school now?"

"I'm so stylish in my new clothes."

"Its hot, when is the bus coming?"

"Are you sure he's coming? It's really hot!"

"I'm going to stay in the shade until he gets here."

"Alright, he is finally here!"

"I'm leaving. Are you still watching? Ok, just checking."

"There goes our baby!"


KP said...

Jenna, you do look cute in your new clothes! Way to go, girl! Have fun at school!